I’m Christine

Your friend who is NOT afraid to talk about money. This is a judgement free zone.

Meet Christine

Christine Odle is a fractional CFO with a BA in Business & Mathematics from Fort Lewis College with a background in banking and small business financial management.  When she moved to Telluride, Colorado in the 1990s she was told if she wants to be a millionaire in Telluride she needs to come with $2 million. What she learned from working with highly successful entrepreneurs is how to live a life of abundance as a small business owner without having millions of dollars to start.

Christine has an incredible passion for teaching business owners to be strategic with their money and has an amazing knack for getting to the root of financial solutions. She helps business owners find out where their weaknesses are, addresses them, and enables them to strive confidently toward their financial goals. She thrives by teaching others how to understand their money, use the money to benefit others, and legally pay less in taxes.

Christine works with businesses around the world and loves the incredible impact finances can have on people when the stress is removed. She has created a community to help small business owners continue to learn about how money can be a useful tool to create wealth and abundance in life. You will be empowered with the tools you need to control your money so that money doesn’t control you.


In 1997, I opened my business after learning my job, that I absolutely loved, was moving to the City.  I had zero intention of moving from my beautiful mountain town back to a city of congestion.  My amazing boss at the time asked me what I wanted to do instead.  To that I answered "I love what I do for you".  I was personally managing the offices and finances of his NINE companies.  

Over the last 30 years, I've worked with hundreds of small business owners in a variety of business industries.  From medical, to construction, to consulting, to franchising and more.  Businesses that are Me/Myself and I, to companies with 1000’s of employees.  I have worked in multiple capacities but find that my passion is the Chief Financial Officer.  

What does this mean?  My goal is to create a financial picture that allows you, the business owner, to grow your company, pay your team well (even if your team is one), create benefit plans, and of course be profitable so the business can grow as it is meant to.  

I also focus on creating an environment where you can keep more of your money and send less to the government using the tax code to our advantage.

This is a judgement free zone.

I can help.

Read My Books

Learn about business finances:
Rockin’ Your Business Finances

Learn about facing
fears and grand adventure:
The Adventures of Black Goat & Yellow Dog.


Join My Community

Rockin’ Biz Tips is a place to learn and connect. Know Your Numbers, Know Your Business. Learn how to keep more of your business money by sending less taxes to the government.

Join the community where you will have your financial questions answered at your fingertips.

Be connected to successful business owners all over the world.

Fractional CFO

Need financial expertise but not quite ready for a full time CFO?

Let me help! I provide financial expertise and guidance to you on a part-time/as needed basis. My team will handle your bookkeeping and guide you to keep more of the money you make.

Speaking and Training

My message connects with all audiences because money matters.

I help companies and individuals find where their weaknesses are, address them, and enable them to strive confidently toward their financial goals.

I’d love to speak to your large audience or more intimate training group.