Choose Your Seat.

Box Seats.

Need financial expertise but not quite ready for a full time CFO?

Let me help. I provide financial expertise and guidance to you on a part-time/as needed basis. My team will handle your bookkeeping and guide you to keep more of the money you make.

Season Tickets.

Join my community. Rockin’ Biz Tips is a place to learn and connect. Know Your Numbers, Know Your Business. Learn how to keep more of your business money by sending less taxes to the government.

Join the community where you will have financial questions answered at your fingertips. Here you will also be connected to successful business owners all over the world.

Stadium Seats.

My message connects with all audiences because money matters.

I help companies and individuals find where their weaknesses are, address them, and enable them to strive confidently toward their financial goals.

I would love to speak to your large audience or more intimate training group.

Upper Bowl Seats.

Not ready to jump in all the way? I get it. That is why I wrote my books.

I want you to have access to all of the goodness with a low level of commitment.

Read, soak in the knowledge, and change your financial landscape. When you are ready to have all your questions answered, choose a different seat.
I will be here!